
Articles Posted in Field Sobriety Tests


Probable Cause During a Los Angeles DUI Stop – Part Two

As discussed in the previous blog, you will be asked certain questions by an officer during a routine DUI stop. An officer needs probable cause for intoxication before he can arrest you for suspicion of driving under the influence. Admissions by the driver and observations made by an officer are…


Is it Against my Fourth Amendment Rights to Forcibly Have my Blood Drawn During a Los Angeles DUI Stop?

When a person has been stopped for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, they will be asked to submit to a blood alcohol test. Two tests will be administered. One is at the scene of the stop and the other will be at the station. The…


Can I Be Arrested for a Los Angeles DUI like Lamar Odom even if There Were no Drugs or Alcohol Found in my Vehicle?

On August 29, 2013 former Laker player and husband of Khloe Kardashian, Lamar Odom, was pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. Mr. Odom was stopped by officers for going too slow on the San Fernando freeway and driving in a “serpentine manner”. Officers stated that…


Can I be Stopped for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Later Charged with Driving Under the Influence of Other Substances in Los Angeles?

A driver must have committed a traffic violation or otherwise for an officer to pull the person over. In order for an officer to request the driver to submit to an alcohol screening test, they must have reasonable suspicion. For example, if a driver is following all traffic safety laws,…


Admissions During a Los Angeles DUI Stop

Many of our clients mistakenly believe that a DUI charge is based on their admission of having been drinking. Although their admissions contribute to a huge part of prosecution, a person may still be charged with a DUI, even when they have chosen to remain silent. When an officer first…


When is it a Good Idea to Take the Field Sobriety Test in a DUI Stop?

Contrary to popular belief,sa field sobriety test is not always mandatory in a DUI arrest. The field sobriety test is the blood alcohol test that is required by officers at the scene of the DUI stop. They will often ask if you will blow in a breathalyzer so that they…


Is it Mandatory that I complete Field Sobriety Tests During a San Diego DUI Arrest?

Many of our clients often do not complete the field sobriety tests when they are administered by authorities during a DUI arrest. Many of our clients also feel that they passed the field sobriety tests. Unfortunately, whether or not the person does well on the field sobriety tests or if…


Can I be Charged with Driving Under The Influence of Drugs in Los Angeles?

California Vehicle Code §23152(a) regulates Driving under the Influence of drugs (DUID). This same section also makes it unlawful to be driving under the influence of alcohol. Despite being charged under the same section, both types of cases invoke different arguments and defenses. Someone is considered to be intoxicated for…

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