Articles Posted in Breathalyzer Test

When a person is charged with a DUI, the government makes their case using all evidence gathered during the arrest. This evidence will include the officer’s report and observations as well as the reading from any blood or breath test taken. These two pieces of evidence will make the bulk of prosecution’s case against a person, therefore if either account is inaccurate; it is in the best interest of the defense to argue its validity.

The accuracy of a breath test can be argued by demonstrating that the machine has not been properly calibrated, or it is running insufficiently. This is done by subpoenaing the maintenance records and reviewing them. If the machine has been used for a long time without having been checked for accuracy, there may be a weakness in prosecution’s case.

The reliability of blood test results may also be argued. This is done by questioning the lab that has done the testing. The lab may have contaminated the sample, may be biased, or may have even tested the sample inaccurately. To obtain a valid, accurate sample, the person charged with the DUI has the right to have the blood sample tested by an independent lab. They also have a right to go to their own doctor and have their blood tested. However, this does weakens the strength of the blood sample as evidence because many hours have passed since the original arrest. Consequently, the sample will not reflect an accurate reading of the Blood Alcohol Level.

California law requires drivers as a condition of issuing them a license to submit to a chemical test if requested by a police officer when one has been stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drivers have a choice to submit to a breath sample or blood sample to determine the alcohol content, if any, in their bloodstream.

This is implied consent law makes it a separate aggravating circumstance to a drunk driving case, if the driver either refuses or fails to complete one of these two tests. The law requires not only that the driver suspected submit to a test, but requires completion of a test culminating in a result. One’s effort, for example by blowing into a breathalyzer machine is not sufficient unless a result is obtained. If a driver will not, or cannot complete the test chosen, then they must submit to the remaining text.

Should a suspected driver failed to submit to and complete a blood alcohol test to determine the alcohol content, or drug presence, they will be also charged with a refusal. This enhancement, can not only result in mandatory jail time, but subjects the driver to greatly enhance license suspension. For example, a driver who has been arrested for a DUI takes a breath test with a result of .24. This driver should only receive a one-month suspension of their driving privilege as long as they enroll in an appropriate alcohol program.

When you are stopped for the suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, you are asked to take either a breath or chemical test at the site of the arrest. Additionally, you are asked to take a test at the station once you have been taken into custody. Whereas it is your right to refuse the preliminary breath test (the one administered at the scene of the arrest), you cannot refuse the test given at the station without additional penalty.

If you have refused to take both tests, there may be some legal defenses that will work in your favor. An experienced Los Angeles DUI attorney can prepare a powerful defense that will help strengthen any possible defenses that you may have.

One possible defense is if you have asthma and are unable to properly breathe into the machine in order to provide an adequate sample. Another valid defense is if for any reason you are physically unable to take the breath test. If there is a valid scenario rendering you incapable of giving a breath sample, you may have a defense against an additional penalty imposed due to refusal.

This is a very good question. There are two kinds of chemical tests under California state law to determine a driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) at the time he was stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or both. Until recently, there was also a urine test which was part of the drivers choice of tests. This test after many years. was eliminated by the legislature due to their determination that this type of test did not meet the high standards of accuracy required by the law.

There are two remaining tests which a suspected drunk driver has to chose from. These tests are the blood and breath tests. The blood test, which most experts view as the more accurate of the two because this test essentially through a direct analysis, measures the percentage of alcohol in the blood drawn from a suspected driver.The result is a blood alcohol concentration or bac which is directly correlated to the language of the law prohibiting blood-alcohol levels of .08 or over.

In addition, if the suspected driver is also under the influence of a drug, a blood test or urine test is the only way to determine their presence. A breath test is only capable of measuring alcohol.

There are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding the new Ignition Interlock Device now required by law in Los Angeles County for those convicted of a DUI. As with any new law, there remains many loopholes and issues that have not been accounted for. Even as a pilot project, it seems to be fairly difficult to “fool” the ignition interlock machine in any of the following ways.

Can someone use a balloon or other air source to mimic human breath, or can someone else take the test for the driver?

The device currently has anti-circumvention techniques which allow the machine to abort any phony breath samples. This allows it to instantly detect when actual human breath is not being blown into the device and will cause the machine to report the failed sample. Furthermore, you may not have someone else legally take the breath test on your behalf before starting the vehicle. According to California Vehicle Code §23247, it is illegal to have another person blow into the device or to start a vehicle equipped with the device for the purpose of allowing someone whose driving privilege has been suspended to operate a vehicle. For those who aid in the circumvention of the machine, they can be fined or served jail time under California law.

There is nothing illegal about drinking alcohol. There or is also nothing illegal about drinking alcohol and driving. It is only against the law to drive a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level (BAC) of .08% or more.

The state of California created this law under section 23152 of the vehicle code. This law has a number of different sections which make it illegal to drive a motor vehicle under certain circumstances. 23152 (a) V.C. prohibits any person to drive a car when their driving ability is impaired by either alcohol or drugs or the combination. 23152 (b) V.C. prohibits driving by those people who have a blood-alcohol level of .08% or more.

When I asked my clients how much they have had to drink, the most common response is with a number. For example, clients will tell me they had a couple of drinks, a few glasses of champagne etc. Our average client speaks of their drinks like they were all the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. This oversimplification, is what commonly gets my clients in trouble. Although, counting and keeping track of what one has to drink is important, what you are drinking is just, and maybe more important than just the number.

If you have been charged with a DUI and at the time of your arrest you refused to take a chemical test, then the consequences regarding your license may vary. A DMV hearing must be scheduled within ten days of your arrest. At the DMV hearing, an officer will review the facts of your case and determine what sanctions to impose on your license, if any. You have the right to have an attorney appear on your behalf at a DMV hearing.

If you refused to take a Chemical test that would allow the arresting officer to gather evidence regarding your Blood Alcohol Content, your potential consequences will differ from those that submit to the Chemical Test. You have a right to refuse to take the initial chemical test administered at the scene, but generally must comply with the test given at the station.

If you are over 21 years of age, and have been arrested the DMV may suspend your license for one year on a first time offense. For a second offense, you license may result in a two year revocation. For any third of fourth time offense, your license will result in a three year revocation.

The officer’s observations in the police reports that he completes after an arrest, are the basis for determining the relative strength or weakness of the state of California’s case against you.

In a driving under the influence arrest, the first critical element to evaluate is whether the officers had probable cause to stop you. In a DUI case, the more vehicle code violationssthe officers cite in their report create a stronger case for the prosecution. Vehicle code violations such as technical violations, like no license plates, or a tail light out although valid probable cause, create a weaker case for the prosecution.

Vehicle code violations like weaving, lane Straddling, or driving on the wrong side of the street, create a stronger case for the prosecution since they add a link for the prosecutor to build a case of a impaired driving.

My clients that have been arrested for a DUI often ask me if there are substances that canseffectively “fool” a breathalyzer machine. A Los Angeles DUI and Criminal Defense attorney who has been specializing for over thirty years, knows which of these are myths, and which of these substances have an actual effect on your breath test reading.

There are many common myths that some everyday substances like breath mints, onions and denture cream, if present in the mouth before taking a breathalyzer test, will yield a lower result. A knowledgeable DUI attorney will inform you that this is not the case. Additionally, a popular television show named Mythbusters determined whether these substances had an effect, if any, on the results of a breathalyzer test. Tests concluded that there was in fact no lowering affect.

Another common myth claims that placing a penny or battery on your tongue may have a lowering effect on the breath test reading. This is proven to be inaccurate, not to mention, would require some talent to discreetly place the object in your mouth, hold it there during the test, and remove after, without law enforcement taking notice.

When you are pulled over by an officer on the suspicion of Driving Under the Influence, you are not required to take the screening test at the scene. You are, however, required to take a blood or breath test once you are taken to the station.sAs with all types of officer administrated tests, including the breath test,sthere are common errors that arise.

Breath tests are not preferred by law enforcement and prosecutors because they are not a direct analysis. This means that they do not give a direct measure of the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) but have to be taken as a reading of the breath and then converted to the BAC.sThe reading derived from a Breath Test is not always accurate.sMany factors can alter the results yielding inaccurate evidence.

One such factor is temperature. The machine must be adjusted to accommodate its surrounding temperature and the temperature of the subject; otherwise the reading will be inaccurate.sAdditionally, breathing patterns have an effect on the reading.sStudies show that hyperventilation or vigorous exercise can reduce the BAC reading by up to 32%.sIn contrast, holding one’s breath can increase the reading by 25%.

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