Nicole Richie, former reality star and daughter of famous musical artist Lionel Richie, was granted an extension on her probation resulting from a 2006 DUI.sIn December of 2006, Richie was arrested and charged with a DUI after she was caught driving the wrong way on a Los Angeles freeway. After pleading guilty, she was sentenced to 4 days in jail and 38 alcohol education classes.
Richie’s probation was set to end in July 2010, however the actress has been unable to complete all the court requirements due to the birth of her two children with rocker Joel Madden. Richie’s attorney requested a court approved leave from her alcohol education classes, which was granted by the Judge and extended to March 2011.s
You do not need to be a celebrity to get highly skilled Criminal Defense help. A Los Angeles DUI Attorney who has been practicing for over thirty years can provide you with affordable professional representation and the zealous advocacy you need to successfully fight your case.sAt Hoffman and Associates we have helped thousands of clients with DUIS and have established a solid reputation with the many Judges and Prosecutors in Southern California courts.
A knowledgeable DUI specialist can argue your case from the beginning through to its completion so that you see the best possible results, avoiding jail time and a shorter period of probation. In the event that you are unable to complete your probation requirements, You do not have to be a celebrity to be granted a favorable extension. An Attorney who has created a favorable presence in the criminal courts of Los Angeles County, will be able to present a strong argument on your behalf so that you can get the time you need. Contact our office to get started on your free consultation right away!