Protesting Arrests in Los Angeles County

In these current times we are exercising our First Amendment rights to free speech more than ever. We have every right to have our voices heard. Ironically, the law is not always supportive of the choices we make to challenge the social injustices we see in our society.

Many of those choosing to speak up against injustice have unfortunately been arrested for a variety of charges. They now must address and face these charges. People are facing charges like Violating Curfew in Los Angeles County, or Resisting Arrest. Some clients have been arrested for Battery on a Los Angeles Police Officer, or even Trespassing. There are also a significant number of protesters in Los Angeles that have been arrested or Rioting or Looting.

Regardless of the charges, it is very important that you protect your rights, your freedom and your good record in situations like these. These are extremely unusual circumstances and the courts, as well as prosecutors and Judges have not really dealt with this type of a situation. We are all navigating it together.

The good thing about this is that there is ample room for argument and defenses. A Los Angeles Criminal Defense lawyer, like those at Hoffman and Associates has been handling cases like these for over thirty years in Los Angeles Courts. Although they are not in the context they are now, the offenses have always existed. A knowledgeable and experienced attorney already knows the law applicable, and can readily prepare a case using the uncertainty of current circumstances to work in their favor. This would result in the best possible outcome for you.

Many of our clients are worried about the consequences they can face. These are hard working people with full time jobs, families, students, and upstanding members of the community. They are choosing to take a stand and now have been arrested. They are often wondering if they will go to jail, or what will happen to their records.

A myriad of factors help determine whether there will be jail time, or if there will be a lasting mark on your record. Several factors also determine whether you have been charged with a felony, or a misdemeanor, and whether it can readily be reduced to an infraction, or dismissed all together.

There is no set formula in resolving the issues you are currently facing. Each case will take its own unique path based on the facts of circumstances surrounding it. Consult with one of the Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys at Hoffman and Associates as soon as possible after your arrest. Your constitutional rights need to be protected. There are two sides to every story, and our experienced and professional attorneys will make sure your side is heard. Having a lawyer on your team can drastically minimize or eliminate the consequences of the charges. We officer free consultations, so you have nothing to lose. Help is just one call away!