The Benefit of Proactively Hiring a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer

If you have been arrested and charged with driving under the influence in Los Angeles, you are likely stressed and confused as to what you should do. Many people mistakenly feel that they can handle a DUI case without the help of a Los Angeles DUI lawyer. While, you are able to represent yourself in criminal court for your criminal case, you will be advised that you have the right to an attorney. This means that you can retain a private attorney, or you can be given a public defender. The reason this right is so carefully addressed and supported, is because the criminal justice can be confusing , you may not understand how your case progresses and what rights you have at each stage, and you are giving up significant rights when you enter a plea.

While the option of a public defender is available to you, it is important to remember that public defenders have many cases each day in court, and they meet with you briefly before you appear before the Judge that day in court. While public defenders are knowledgeable attorneys, they do not have the time to address each specific aspect of your case. This is the benefit in hiring a private attorney.

When you hire a private attorney, you basically take the burden and stress off of your shoulders, and pass it onto the attorney. From the moment you retain a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer, like those at Hoffman & Associates, they take on all of the stress of your case, so that you can focus on the day to day aspects of your life that really matter.

The attorney will review the facts of your case, immediately work on scheduling a DMV hearing, and will contact the arresting agency, as well as the prosecutor on your case to begin negotiations and collect evidence. This allow the attorney an edge before even stepping into court. In fact, many cases can be negotiated and settled prior to the first day of court. This helps resolve your case quickly and get things completed as soon as possible.

In addition, when you are represented by an attorney, you do not have to appear in court, except for certain circumstances. For the most part, your attorney will go for you. This means you do not have to take the day off of work, drive down to the courthouse, find parking, and wait in the courthouse. The whole process can be daunting and unwelcome. Your attorney is readily familiar with the courthouse, is able to get into court and out of court quickly, since attorney cases get priority. And most of all, your attorney will never enter a plea on your behalf without you being present, or being fully informed. This gives you the peace of mind that your case is progressing and being handled, without losing any of your rights to make smart, thought out decisions.

Make the best move for your future and contact a Los Angeles DUI attorney as soon as possible, or in the very least, schedule a no cost consultation to learn your options!