Articles Posted in Non Resident

California is a popular destination for out of state residents to come and visit. Whether it be for vacation, to visit friends and family, or for work, one thing is for certain; it is necessary to drive from one place to another. Unlike many other states, travel by public transportation and cab is not as common as it is in other states.

Driving around can often lead to getting arrested for the suspicion of driving under the influence. The proper jurisdiction for the case to be heard is in California, where the incident occurred. But what happens when you are done with your trip and return back home? Does your case get transferred with you, or do you have to fly back for hearings and to complete any sentence the Court may order?

Unfortunately, because you are driving in California at the time of the incident, and you are submitting to California law and procedure, California State Courts will be the only court that has proper jurisdiction over your case. It is a matter for the California government and judicial system, not for any other state.