Articles Posted in Multiple Offense

Many of our clients come to our office with multiple offenses arising out of one DUI incident. They mistakenly believe that because it arose out of one incident, then they cannot be charged with more than offense. This is not true. If there are multiple potential charges, then a person can be charged with more than one offense. It can happen often with a Los Angeles DUI.

Let’s consider an example. Dina is driving home from happy hour one day. She had a few drinks with her friends after work and was out later than she intended. In a rush to get home, she mistakenly hits a parked car on her street. She is visibly intoxicated as she get out of her car and inspects the damage to the parked car. Because she is late, and because it is a neighbor, Dina does not stop that night, but plans to speak to her neighbor the following day. The next day turns into a week, and before Dina knows it, she is contacted by officers for a potential Los Angeles Hit and Run. Dina is contacted due to the neighbor’s camera in the front of their home. It is clearly visible that Dina hits the parked car and leaves, and it is also visible that she is intoxicated. Dina is charged with a Hit and Run as well as a Los Angeles DUI.

Dina does the smart thing and hires a Los Angeles DUI attorney right away. In fact, she finds an attorney like those at Hoffman & Associates that are not only well versed in DUI Law, but Los Angeles Hit and Run law as well. This way, they understand that system and nuances of both charges. By taking proactive steps, and using their experience and the relationships they have built with the courthouses, prosecutors and authorities, Dina’s attorney will fight to dismiss or in the very least, reduce one of the charges.

If you have been charged with a Los Angeles DUI, it does not mean that you cannot be charged with anything else. Many charges can arise out of one specific incident, resulting in multiple charges against you and multiple cases.

The best way to understand this process is to walk through an example. Dina has been at a friend’s house for a party. At the party she has consumed several alcoholic drinks, and used some methamphetamine with her friends. Dina is also the one that has provided the drugs and the paraphernalia at the party.

When she is driving home, she runs a stop sign. Officers stop her for the traffic violation, and notice a strong odor of alcohol and red watery eyes. In addition, her mannerisms are eradicated and she seems intoxicated. Officers ask Dina to submit to a field sobriety test, which she does and fails. They also ask her to take a blood alcohol test, which she does and is promptly arrested.

One set of facts, or incident, can give rise to an innumerable amount of charges. Many people believe that it will be one charge, with additional consequences. That is not the case. If you have been stopped for suspicion of driving under the influence, you could potentially also be charged with a probation violation, if you were on probation at the time.

The best way to understand this concept is through a detailed example.

Some time last year, Don was driving home from a friend’s birthday party. He had have a few drinks and was stopped for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. Don was very stressed out about his case, and did not have a lot of money to spend on a lawyer. On his arraignment date, the prosecutor offered to conclude Don’s case that day if he pled guilty. They offered him no jail time, just a fine, and three years of probation. Don immediately took the deal. He wanted his case to be over with so he could move on and stop worrying about it.

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