Articles Posted in Plea Bargaining

A witness is anyone who observes anything. Literally, in a DUI or other Criminal Case the police officers are the star witnesses because their observations form the foundation for your arrest as well as the basis for criminal charges against you.

For example, in a DUI arrest the officer’s observations thesdriver had been weaving or lane straddlingsprovides the probable cause or legal reason for the traffic stop. Although police officers are supposed to be neutral and unbiased civil servants whose job is to protect and serve, that’s not always the case. A police officer’s job is also to build a criminal case for the prosecutor when they suspect a criminal or vehicle code violation has occurred.sThis can cause one to question the written the neutrality of their observations and opinions.

Theoretically, a defendant in a DUI criminal case is also a witness, but often their statements or recall of events is seen as suspect because it is often tainted because of their perceived bias to minimize or eliminate any responsibility on their part.

Driving under the influence of alcohol or even drugs Is the most commonly committedscriminal offense in the United States. That being said, it is easier to understand why many courtrooms throughout California are filled with drunk driving cases each day. There in lies the problem. In these high-volume courtrooms, especially in major cities like Los Angeles, prosecutors have very little time to read and review the details of each case .This can be a benefit to clients.

The benefit is that in these very busy Courts, prosecutors and judges are forced to spend increasingly less and less time in reading and reviewing as well as evaluating each case on its individual merits. In my over 30 years of courtroom experience as a drunk driving defense lawyer, that actually benefits my clients each day.

Generally in police arrest reports, there is only negativity, rarely are police officers writing about the positive elements of the person they’re arresting. Their focus is to build a case to prosecute, rarely to assist the defendant in minimizing the appearance of their conduct.

The officer’s observations in the police reports that he completes after an arrest, are the basis for determining the relative strength or weakness of the state of California’s case against you.

In a driving under the influence arrest, the first critical element to evaluate is whether the officers had probable cause to stop you. In a DUI case, the more vehicle code violationssthe officers cite in their report create a stronger case for the prosecution. Vehicle code violations such as technical violations, like no license plates, or a tail light out although valid probable cause, create a weaker case for the prosecution.

Vehicle code violations like weaving, lane Straddling, or driving on the wrong side of the street, create a stronger case for the prosecution since they add a link for the prosecutor to build a case of a impaired driving.

It is important to understand the scope of issues involving being prosecuted on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. A DUI arrest begins a systematic process by the Department of Motor Vehicles to suspend your driving privileges, even if this is your first offense.

Although both the court and the DMV procedures seek to sanction a driver for the unlawful use of a motor vehicle after the consumption of an illegal level of alcohol or drugs, they go about it in very different ways. Each entity follows different guidelines, and separate issues and procedures, and totally different consequences. The main thrust of the DMV is to determine whether or not the alleged DUI driver was stopped by the police with proper cause, and whether or not the driver had a blood alcohol level (BAC) of .08 or over. More severe and longer suspensions are doled out to drivers who refuse to submit to a chemical test, after being stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence.

The courts approach the issues above, but use different sanctions. A range of potential penalties including probation, fines, jail time, alcohol programs, community service, hospital/morgue programs, and mothers against drunk drivers meetings, as well as Alcoholics Anonymous attendance are some of the legislated penalties facing those convicted of DUI’s.

When clients are unfortunately faced with being prosecuted for a DUI or other Criminal offense, it is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed and fearful about their rights, defenses and possible consequences they could face if they were found guilty.

The most important decision is selecting an attorney who firstly they trust, treats them with compassion and respect, And yet is completely honest. This lawyer should possess extensive experience and courtroom skill, as well as possessing long-standing relationships with judges and prosecutors which gives them a rich and deep understanding of the treacherous waters of the legal justice system.

Potential clients should be wary of attorneys who are not willing to explain their defense strategies for protecting you, but merely say ‘don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything’.This keep you in the dark style of representation was popular many years ago in the legal community, but although still present among some attorneys, thankfully is in the minority.

The purpose of this article is solely to discuss effective techniques and alternatives to anyone having to be incarcerated for any length of time, if at all possible to avoid. This article offers a number of practical tips for those people in legal trouble and is certainly not designed or intended to discuss the facts or circumstances of a DUI or Criminal case, or any defenses that may prevent a client from being guilty or convicted of any charge.

It is not uncommon in DUI or Criminal cases for a prosecutor to seek a range of different consequences including summary or formal probation, fines, community service, alcohol programs, and jail time. For over 30 years our law firm has represented clients facing these potential consequence. Without a doubt the biggest concern for all our clients is staying out of jail. Therefore, our biggest concern is fighting to protect our clients freedom from jail by the use of alternatives like Caltrans, community service,selectronic surveillance, and even private city jail facilities.

Once retained, it is critical that your attorney carefully evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the facts the prosecutor plans on using against you, versus any defenses including witnesses, you have which would establish a strong defense of your innocence.

A plea bargain is a result of a negotiation between a prosecutor and your defense attorney regarding the specific terms of the case settlement or plea. There are two major considerations which make a negotiated settlement or a plea bargain, which it’s commonly called, a good idea.

The most important first step is to have your counsel prepare a complete case evaluation of the evidence contained in your police report. The law requires that for somebody to be guilty of a particular offense, that all critical elements of that offense have been met. For example in a driving under the influence case, it is essential that the prosecutor prove that the defendant was driving and that when tested had a .08% or more blood alcohol. Unless the prosecutor can prove that the police or other credible witness observed some driving by the accused then there exists a strong defense to quilt.

Careful consideration should be given to the clients recollection of the events that led to their arrests and whether or not they agree or disagree with the allegations contained in the police report. It is important to determine whether any legal excuse or exculpatory evidence or witnesses can contest any observations, statements or other evidence. This type of legal defense attacks the accuracy and or credibility of the prosecutors case in chief. An experienced courtroom lawyer can render his expert opinion on the relative strengths and weaknesses of both sides of your case.

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